
Essential gears you need for your basketball lessons

Essential gears you need for your basketball lessons


While many cite masterful skills and techniques to be the defining factors of a good basketball game, recreational players tend to overlook the important role of proper gear when it comes to playing sports. Gears are essential for several reasons - they help improve one’s agility, enhance techniques, and perform protective uses so as to minimise player injury. If you are still not sure which are the right gears to pick for your basketball lessons, fret not as we dive into the array of essential gears and their various purposes.

Basketball-specific shoes and compression socks

Perhaps most important when it comes to basketball would be proper footwear. You’re going to be pacing around on your feet a lot on the court, and the last thing you would want is to suffer a ligament tear or ankle sprain which can be prevented with the right footwear. Because there is a lot of jumping and running involved in a basketball game, the right footwear seeks to provide support for our ankles, mitigating the pressure that comes from activity on the court.

Another thing worth noting about basketball-specific shoes is their breathable material. When worn alongside compression socks, moisture is less likely to be locked in after an intense game but rather absorbed. Allowing our feet to breathe proves a lot more important than we think - it is key to preventing nasty foot diseases, and furthermore, reduces friction between the feet and shoes which may cause painful chafing. Ultimately, proper footwear is one step towards comfort and safety - vital elements of a good basketball match.

Knee protection - Knee pads, braces and sleeves

Another heavily utilised body part during basketball lessons is the knee - we jump, we bend, and we collide with other players during an intense basketball match. It is no wonder then, that with all the impact our knees have to brace, the days following basketball sessions often see knee bruises and chronic pain. This is where protective knee gears come in to counter knee damage - but while knee pads, braces, and sleeves sound largely similar, there are differences in the purpose they serve.

If you’re frequently colliding in the knees with other players, then knee pads are for you as they lessen the impact of these collisions. Knee sleeves, on the other hand, are for players experiencing long-term chronic pain, soothing and assisting one in knee recovery on top of ensuring steadiness. Lastly, knee braces are often worn after an injury to prevent further exacerbating the injury in a new basketball session.

Appropriate jersey and shorts

Basketball lessons are bound to require a great deal of movement and sweating. The last thing you would want to feel is constrained by attire that restricts movement and hinders your agility. Therefore, it is important to find a pair of fitting jersey and athletic shorts which are lightweight, and neither too tight nor loose - this allows for a wide range of movement.

Movement aside, sweating is another natural occurrence in the process of basketball lessons. The ideal jersey and shorts should allow for the skin to breathe, while also removing moisture such that the player does not end up drenched in sweat which can end up causing discomfort during the basketball lesson itself.

Safety glasses and mouthguard

Facial injuries are more common in basketball sessions than most of us think. Our vital features are found on our faces, and complete exposure of them during basketball lessons may render them vulnerable to the impact of a ball coming straight in our direction.

While there are no imposed rules for the wearing of facial safety gear, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Safety glasses shield the eyes from being hit by a ball, and in some cases when a basketball lesson gets too rough or intense, players may accidentally scratch another player’s eyes in an attempt to snatch the ball, resulting in eye bruises or sight injury. On top of that, a well-fitted mouthguard ensures that the mouth does not suffer abrasions, cuts, or gum bleeding should in any case it gets hit by a basketball.

With this exhaustive list in mind, this article hopes to better equip new players with knowledge of the required gears to ensure utmost comfort and safety! Sign up for basketball lesssons with Triple Threat today!

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